
Improving your gedit with gmate – a great code editor!

Hallo zusammen! Hello everybody! Wow, it’s been more than a month since my last post here. Things have been really rough at University. I’ll try again to keep a post per week, I have a job now as a .NET developer, so probably there will be more posts about C# than Rails.

But nothing’s lost yet! I’m still having fun with RoR at home when it’s possible.
And I came here today for a quick post and great tip for you, Rails beginner developer.


Well, I’m now using Ubuntu 11.04, since its release. Personally, I’m finding it awesome. For sure there are still a few bugs, but, I hardly recommend it. And since I’m still using Ubuntu, gedit/gmate is my favorite one.


Building your first Ruby on Rails application from scratch!

Hello everybody! It’s been a couple of weeks since my last post here. I’ve been focused on ruby on rails, and didn’t have much free time.

Well, now I’m going to guide you to your first app with ruby on rails. Everybody who have started working with RoR knows that scaffold is a powerful tool. So I won’t explain how to use it, it’s simple and I guess you already know that!

I will try to build a very simple application from scratch, writing your own methods, creating separated models, controllers and views. Pretty simple, just easier to understand every step, that you kind of lose when using scaffold.

By the way, I’m using rails 3.0.4 and ruby 1.8.7. Installed exactly like here.



How to install Ruby on Rails with RVM on Ubuntu 10.10

Hello everybody! As you know, I’m still a beginer at Ruby on Rails, but what I can say is that I’m having fun with the language and the framework. So, a friend of mine helped me on installing Rails for the first time, and that’s why I’m giving him the right credits.


If you are like me, still a newbie and would like to learn a cool stuff. Here it goes something very useful, first of all, you must have Rails installed to start practicing.
